Monday, January 17, 2011

The Shining!

So I was inspired to sketch this while a friend and I were watching the Shining. It doesn't seem to match, but I think it was because the hotel manager mentioned Indian burial grounds or something along those lines. Someone asked if he was a caveman. He just has a magnificently large brow, thank you very much.

G'afternoon y'all,


Friday, January 14, 2011

The Incredible Man-Tree

I had a waking dream, (or a vision, I guess) of a man who was walking on a narrow path in a ravine. He had cuts all over, but instead of bleeding, branches would grow out of the wounds. Branches continued to grow until roots formed at his feet, and when he stopped to take a breath, he grew into a great tree.

A little odd, but it made for a striking picture. In addition to old people, I love drawing people who are scarred with imperfect, tired bodies. Or odd faces. Heck, anyone who isn't Adonis just seems more interesting to me.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Look! Just a Regular Guy.

I tend to do sketches of faces draped in shadow, because that's just more interesting to look at. While in the studio, I tend to look at a lot of Tim Bradstreet and Sean Phillips, two guys who know the power of heavy blacks. I like old folks, but this guy is just forty. Or a really, really badly aged thirty year old. I like the latter much better.
Have a good night,


Monday, January 10, 2011

Inconsistency, Inconsistency...

It would seem that Christmas has gotten the better of me; no worry, I'll make up for it.

I recently saw True Grit, and it made me want to draw dusty textures. Also, I really want to draw crackle-faced old folks.

I couldn't get Jeff Bridges' eyes, but this was from memory, so this is really just my impression of the film.

Man, that is some serious man-scraggle.

In other news, this is Business Tycoon Odin. I read that Wagner's Ring Cycle was reinterpreted for modern audiences, and that just sounded cool. I tried to insert the ravens somehow, but I could only get in one of the two.

That's all for today.

Have a good one,
