Monday, February 7, 2011

An Actual Page!

So, earlier posts (waaaay earlier) were about a project entitled "2020" or "2016" (it was changed), but these here is the second draft of the first page from that project! Finally! Alright. It's not great quality since I took it off my phone, but it was exciting nonetheless.

I actually have spent a lot of time deciding what workflow I wanted for my pages. At first it was just thumbnails, then straight to the finished page. The immediate problem with that was that the decisions I made at the rough stage had to be made again at final size. Thumbnails became useless. After that, I tried taking the roughs, blowing them up, and tracing them, but they were so rough that it didn't contribute much to the final product either (it even made my final drawings stiff and lifeless).

Finally, I created a comic page template which I carefully resized at about 5"x8". I did detailed drawings at that size, blew them up, traced the shapes, and added the details straight to those.

As a result, my artwork looks much more lively, and the decisions I made at the composition stage remain untouched. 

Well, that's all. I hope you all have a lovely evening.
